Richard Simmons weight loss plan

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A lifetime weight loss plan that combines daily exercise, portion control and motivation.

Richard Simmons plan incorporates daily motivational tips, online chats on his Web site, and new aerobic exercise videos and his diet, called the Food Mover plan. Food Mover is modeled on the American Diabetes Association exchange system, basing individual calorie needs on sex, starting weight and goal weight. The Food Mover plan helps track protein, starch, fruit and vegetable, dairy, fat and "extra" food intake along with promoting drinking water, daily exercise and regular positive motivation.

Upside of the Richard Simmons Diet

  • The Food Mover plan includes all food groups and is designed for a steady weight loss of one to two pounds a week.

  • The upbeat motivation of Richard Simmons is a plus for people who like his style.

  • Strong emphasis on exercise.

  • The plan can help both genders and people at all weight and fitness levels.

Downside of the Richard Simmons Diet

  • If you dislike exchange diet systems or tracking portions and food intake, this program may not be for you.

  • Richard Simmons is a polarizing figure. If you do not like his style, he can get on your nerves and make you avoid the Web site.

  • There are many ways to spend and overspend on Simmons' Web site.

  • The Richard Simmons plan does not have nutrition advisers or resources other than the Web site.

Is the Richard Simmons Diet for You?

This chart can help you see how the Richard Simmons diet fits your goals and lifestyle concerns.

Yes - in fact, there are specific guidelines designed to help fit eating out in the Food Mover plan
Alcohol Encouraged to avoid
Caffeine Encouraged to avoid
Special Foods No
Family Friendly Yes
Vegetarian Friendly Yes