Sugar Busters

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The idea is that eating foods high in sugar causes overproduction of insulin, which inhibits weight loss.

Refined sugar found in cakes, candies, and sodas as well as potatoes, white flour and pasta, is toxic, according to Sugar Busters. Eating these types of foods causes the body to produce increased amounts of the hormone insulin which leads to increased amounts of body fat and weight.

The Sugar Busters diet aims to turn the tables on the traditional high-carbohydrate, insulin-producing diet. People on this diet are encouraged to eat fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains and lean meat, and avoid all types of refined sugars.

Some proponents have claimed that this diet can help people avoid diabetes through its ability to control insulin production. However, this concept is highly controversial .

Upside of the Sugar Busters Diet

  • Decreasing sugar intake is never a bad thing. Most people consume approximately one pound of sugar per week!

  • Increased fresh fruit and vegetable consumption and decreased reliance on refined foods is a healthy goal.

  • The diet gives clear guidelines on which foods to avoid, making it easy to follow.

Downside of the Sugar Busters Diet

  • There is no scientific justification for the premise that healthy people who eat foods high in sugar will automatically gain weight.

  • Lumping whole foods such as potatoes, corn, and carrots with the "forbidden" sugars makes no nutritional sense.

  • The diet doesn't encourage exercise, which is an essential part of losing weight and keeping it off.

Is the Sugar Busters Diet for You?

This chart can help you see how the Sugar Busters diet fits your goals and lifestyle concerns.

Alcohol Only on a full stomach to reduce absorption; dry red wine is preferred because of its lower sugar content
Caffeine Limited to 2-3 beverages containing caffeine each day
Special Foods No
Family Friendly It will probably be hard to deprive your family of pasta, potatoes and dessert
Vegetarian Friendly Discouraged (diet becomes too limiting)

Sample Sugar Busters Menu

A day on the Sugar Busters Diet might look like this:


  • Egg-white omelet with broccoli and mushrooms
  • Slice of high-fiber whole-grain toast
  • Cantaloupe with blueberries
  • Coffee or tea
  • Water


  • Greek salad with olives, garbanzo beans, tomatoes, roasted chicken, low-fat feta, sugarless dressing made with olive oil
  • Peach or apple
  • Water


  • Grilled salmon or tuna
  • Lightly sautéed spinach with walnuts
  • Baked sweet potato
  • Sugarless low-fat yogurt, frozen yogurt or ice cream
  • Water


  • Raw zucchini and celery sticks, nuts, high-fiber sugarless snack bar (not late at night)
  • Water