South Beach Diet

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This low-carb diet promises quick weight loss without hunger or cravings, plus improved cardiovascular health.

The South Beach Diet is a low-carb diet that emphasizes normal portions of lean proteins such as fish and chicken; unlimited amounts of low-glycemic-index vegetables; ample amounts of healthy fats such as olive and canola oil, nuts and avocados; and small portions of "healthy carbs" found in fruit and whole grains. By following this way of eating, the plan promises positive changes in markers of cardiovascular health: lower total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, along with increased HDL cholesterol levels.

There are three phases in this diet. Phase I is the most restrictive and lasts for two weeks. It emphasizes lean proteins, fat-free or low-fat cheese, nuts, eggs, tofu, legumes, healthy types of fat and low-glycemic-index vegetables. Phase II reintroduces fruit, whole-grain bread, rice, pasta and fat-free milk and yogurt. Dieters stay on Phase II until they've lost their desired amount of weight. Phase III is for maintenance and should be followed for life. Dieters are encouraged to move back and forth between the different phases as needed to maintain their weight loss.

The South Beach Diet also produces a variety of ready-to-eat meals and snacks, which conform to the principles of the diet plan.

Upside of the South Beach Diet

  • There's a welcome emphasis on whole grains, fruits and vegetables that is often lacking in many low-carb diet plans.

  • The South Beach Diet encourages three balanced meals plus snacks if necessary, and allows a lot of flexibility in food choices.

  • The author, cardiologist Arthur Agatston, encourages eating all the types of foods known to prevent heart disease, including nuts, monounsaturated fats such as olive and canola oils, soy products, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Downside of the South Beach Diet

  • The glycemic index is used to encourage the consumption of certain types of grains, fruits and vegetables. Major U.S. health associations such as the American Diabetes Association and the American Dietetic Association do not endorse using the glycemic index for weight control or in planning menus for people with diabetes. Eliminating some healthy foods just because they have a high glycemic index number doesn't make sense for every person.

  • Some people may follow Phase I for long periods of time (although this is not recommended), which can cause deficiencies of several nutrients including fiber and calcium.

  • Some people experience fluctuations in weight as they move between phases. Although this is normal, it can be frustrating and disheartening.

Is the South Beach Diet for You?

This chart can help you see how the South Beach Diet fits your goals and lifestyle concerns.

Phase I: One to two weeks at the beginning, and then again as needed to promote additional weight loss or after a period of weight regain
Phase II: Indefinitely (until desired weight is reached)
Phase III: Indefinitely
With careful ordering, dining out is possible during any phase, but especially during Phase II and Phase III
Alcohol Beer should be avoided because of its high glycemic index; however, red wine is encouraged for its cardiovascular benefits
Caffeine In moderation
Special Foods No
Family Friendly Phase I may be difficult for families, especially with young children who favor starchy foods
Vegetarian Friendly Yes

Sample South Beach Diet Menu

The South Beach Diet consists of three phases that are progressively more lenient. This sample menu is based on Phase II, although there is not a significant difference between this menu and a comparable one for Phase I or Phase III:


  • Scrambled egg wrap (eggs, low-fat cheese, olive oil, whole-wheat wrap)
  • Decaffeinated coffee or decaffeinated tea with nonfat milk


  • Broiled chicken breast on top of clementine and mixed green salad with vinaigrette
  • South Beach Diet gelatin cup


  • Thai sirloin beef strips over brown rice
  • Small glass of red wine
  • Lime cheesecake


  • Celery sticks and hummus
  • Mixed nuts
  • South Beach Diet snack bar