Try out Calorie Shifting on your Current Menu

Here is given a formula that you can apply to any diet of your choice, which enables you to create your own calorie shifting diet.

1. Establish a baseline. You need to consistently follow your diet for at least one month, which lures your body into expecting a steady stream of, say, 2000 calories a day.

2. Up-shift by 300 calories. Two times a week for the first week only, add 300 calories to your diet. On Monday and Thursday eat 2300 calories.

3. Down-shift by 500 calories. Two times a week for the second week only, subtract 500 calories from your diet. On Tuesday and Friday eat 1500 calories.

4. Up-shift by 400 calories. Two times a week for the third week only, add 400 calories to your diet. On Wednesday and Saturday consume 2400 calories.

5. Down-shift by 500 calories. Two times a week for the fourth week only, subtract 500 calories from your diet. On Thursday and Sunday consume 1500 calories.

Your body is smart and can quickly become accustomed to consistent patterns. The idea here is to keep your metabolism constantly guessing, which prevents your body from quickly adopting to a certain number of calories it expects to receive, which in turn, helps keep your metabolism efficient.

Once you have successfully executed the calorie shifting diet plan as described, you need to go back to your regular diet for at least two weeks and only then you can try the calorie shifting plan again.

Finding this hard to implement?

You can try the Calorie Shifting Diet prescribed by Fat Loss 4 Idiots.