Slim-Fast Diet

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According to their Web site, Slim-Fast is an easy, nutritious, convenient, economical, great-tasting, simple and flexible method for weight loss and weight maintenance.

The basic Slim-Fast weight loss program has evolved from its original use of two meal replacement shakes and a sensible meal. In addition to shakes, Slim-Fast now carries snack bars, soups, pastas and more. The program encourages an intake of 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day, daily exercise of 30 to 60 minutes and lifestyle changes to promote long-lasting weight maintenance. The sensible meal uses regular foods with emphasis on portion control and following standard nutrition guidelines.

The shakes and bars are available in a variety of flavors, contain 170 to 220 calories and are fortified with vitamins and minerals Slim-Fast also makes snack bars for between-meal cravings (120 to 130 calories each), Meal On-the-Go Bars for portable meals on the run (220 calories), and breakfast and lunch bars (paired with 8 ounces of fat-free milk, they provide 220 calories).

Upside of the Slim-Fast Plan

  • Flexible program that can fit individual needs.

  • Shakes and bars can provide a balanced diet for most people.

  • Good online support with communities, advisers and dietitians.

  • Lots of information about lifestyle changes, exercise plans, healthy meals, snack ideas and weight maintenance .

Downside of the Slim-Fast Plan

  • Shakes and bars can get monotonous for some people.

  • Some people still feel hungry when they stick to the plan.

  • The meal replacement makes it too easy to slip back into bad habits when you stop using the Slim-Fast products.

Is the Slim-Fast Plan for You?

This chart can help you see how Slim-Fast fits your goals and lifestyle concerns.

Yes, simply use this meal for your one sensible meal per day and use the Slim-Fast shakes for the two other meals
Alcohol Yes
Caffeine Yes
Special Foods Yes
Family Friendly Yes - most people eat a sensible meal for dinner with their family, then use the meal replacement shakes for breakfast and lunch
Vegetarian Friendly Yes

Sample Slim-Fast Menu

MA day on the Slim-Fast Plan might look like this:


  • Slim-Fast shake or bar


  • Shake or bar
  • Half a turkey sandwich (200 calories) or citrus spinach salad


  • Grilled or steamed asparagus, eggplant and squash
  • Baked fish, skinless chicken or lean beef
  • Salad with dressing
  • Small serving of potato, pasta, rice or corn
  • Fruit


  • Apple, half a cup of grapes, half a banana or small fruit salad
  • Ounce of pretzels or mini-bag of popcorn
  • Snack bar